The sun's radiation is used directly to produce electricity in
two ways, photovoltaic (PV) systems and solar thermal systems. PV systems
change sunlight directly into electricity. PV panels are commonly used in
areas where it is cheaper than running electrical wires or using batteries,
including: rural homes, remote research stations, freeway call boxes, or
solar-powered calculators. Solar thermal systems use the sun's energy to
heat a fluid that produces steam, which then turns a turbine and generator.
The price of PV cells, once very high, has dropped steadily by
half every five years over the last 25 years. As the economics of PV
continue to improve, the number installed will increase exponentially.
The potential for PV expansion is vast. Solar might not be able to provide
a lot of power, but it can be considered the safest in than any other source,
such as, natural gas, coal, and nuclear.